News & Events
International Roadshow-U.S. Oncology Drugs
News & Events 2017.11.02 1903

One of the 2017 CBIIC (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) parallel sessions-International Roadshow-U.S. Oncology Drugs was successfully held in the morning of Oct 30.  All of the 9 American innovative oncology drug companies’ show drew lots of attention from pharmaceutical investors and researchers. The roadshow was coorganized by PhIRDA and NFCR. The American delegate traveled long way to attend the conference and look for more opportunities to cooperate with Chinese pharmaceutical investors and researchers to improve global pharmaceutical R&D.

Mr. Joseph Franlin, Chairman of the Board of NFCR gave an opening remarks at the beginning of the roadshow. Mr. Franlin first gave high praise and sincere thanks to the organizer of the conference and also wished to find Chinese business partners and investment through the conference. He gave a brief introduction of NFCR, which is a leading non-profit organization in the US and supports cutting-edge cancer research world-wide through research grants and contracts, by convening key players, and advocating scientific and medical innovation. NFCR has an outstanding track record of funding basic and clinical research, and is committed to promoting global cooperation in prevention, early diagnosis, and new approaches to diagnosing and treating cancer worldwide. Since 1973, NFCR has provided over $350 million supporting cancer research and public prevention education necessary to raise awareness related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatments of all types of cancer. Meanwhile, Mr. Franlin also introduced theMemorandum of Understanding between China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Research Development Association and National Foundation for Cancer Research,which meant that PhIRDA and NFCR would develop the "Sino-US Cooperation in Cancer Pharmaceutical Innovation Platform" to promote and facilitate innovative cancer research, attract Sino-US joint drug R&D projects, and utilize the platform to promote research and development breakthroughs globally. 

Joseph Franlin, Chairman of the Board of NFCR gave an opening remarks at the beginning of the roadshow.

1First Half

The moderator of the first half of the roadshow was Dr. BA Sujuan, President & COO of NFCR, she introduced all of the 9 innovative companies and some of them had already started their cooperations with National Institute of Health (NIH) and Phase I clinical trails.  

Dr. BA Sujuan, President & COO of NFCR

Philip S. Ross, Managing Director of  J.P. Morgan Healthcare Investment Banking Group gave a speech on Trends in the Bio-pharmaceutical Market and Related Observations and analyzed some J.P. Morgan investment cases.  

William Werkmeister, Co-Founder of International Cancer Impact Fund(ICIF), was the first delegate to make presentation. He said the ICIF spent 350 million $ to support basic and cutting-edge cancer research. 57 scientific innovations and 16 companies had been achieved by the 60 supported scientists.

2Second Half

The second half of the roadshow was moderated by YANG Dajun, Chairman & CEO of Ascentage Pharma. Paul Fisher, Ryan Witt, Cohava Gelber ,Michael Cardone ,William Doyle, and Kenneth Sorensen had introduced their current discoveries based on different therapies and research teams.

YANG Dajun, Chairman & CEO of Ascentage Pharma

American Roadshow Delegate

International Roadshow-U.S. Oncology Drugs

The success of American Roadshow was the first cooperation between PhIRDA and NFCR. Until now, 3 of the American innovative companies had found intended business partners through the conference. The cooperation on enhancing oncology drugs R&D, and building communicate platform for clinical researchers and investors. The roadshow was in great importance to the understanding and collaboration between China and the United States. We believe that the collaboration will not only benefits Chinese and American patients, but also the patients all over the world.

Introduction of NFCR

National Foundation for Cancer Research (Referred to as "NFCR") is a US non-profit organization co-founded in 1973 by Nobel Prize winner and scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi and Attorney and Entrepreneur Franklin Salisbury.NFCR is a leading non-profit organization in the US and supports cutting-edge cancer research world-wide through research grants and contracts, by convening key players, and advocating scientific and medical innovation. NFCR has an outstanding track record of funding basic and clinical research, and is committed to promoting global cooperation in prevention, early diagnosis, and new approaches to diagnosing and treating cancer worldwide. Since 1973, NFCR has provided over $350 million supporting cancer research and public prevention education necessary to raise awareness related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatments of all types of cancer.