News & Events
Listed Company Roadshow- Leading Pharmaceutical Innovative Enterprises Focused on Globalization
News & Events 2018.11.14 1746

Listed Company Roadshow of 2018 CBIIC was successfully held on September 19. Tony ZHANG, CEO of LinkDoc Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and YANG Yehui, Joint Chief Analyst of Medical industry of Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltd. made keynote speeches on the roadshow. 17 domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies including Ascletis BioScience Co., Ltd., Takeda, Hua Medicine (Shanghai) Ltd., BeiGene, Tasly Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hutchison MediPharma Ltd., Amoy Diagnostics Co., Ltd., Asymchem Laboratories (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., SanPower Group and Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd., SynCore Biotechnology, Phyto Health Co.,Ltd., TAHO Pharma, Betta Pharma, Luye Pharma, ZAI Lab etc. introduced the strategies, paths and visions on pharmaceutical innovation, attracting more attention from scholars, experts and investors.

Mr. YANG Yehui, Joint Chief Analyst of Medical industry of Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltd., made a keynote speech on “China's Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry Analysis andCapital Path”. He introduced the trend of global pharmaceutical development and the status of domestic pharmaceutical innovation industry. He mentioned that due to the reform of drug review and approval system and medical insurance, launch of the policies that encouraging innovation and high-quality generic drugs and the increasing of pharmaceutical suppliers and users, a large number of IND applications would happen during 2018-2019. He suggested that pharmaceutical enterprises should study the experiences of pharmaceutical innovative companies in U.S. for capital raising to find and make suitable plan for their own pharmaceutical innovations.

YANG Yehui made a keynote speech

Mr. Tony ZHANG, CEO of LinkDoc Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., made a keynote speech on “A Probe into the R&D and Market Competition of Lung Cancer Medicines in China”. He introduced the treatments and living status of lung cancer patients in China, and Chinese and global pipelines of lung cancer drugs at present and in the future. In addition, he analyzed the competition of lung cancer drugs from the perspective of market, medical institutions and patients in the future, which was of great value for the pharmaceutical enterprises to establish pipelines of lung cancer drugs.

Tony ZHANG made a keynote speech

Joshua LING, VP of Finance of Ascletis BioScience Co., Ltd., WANG Lin, Head of Takeda Development Center Asia of Takeda R&D, Howard LIANG, CFO and Chief Strategy Officer of BeiGene, ZHOU Shuiping, Executive Dean of Tasly Institute, Mark Lee, Senior Vice President of Hutchison MediPharma Limited, LIU Xiaohan, Secretary of The Board of Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd., KAO Shenyung, BD Manager of Taho Pharmaceuticals Ltd., LU Jinyuan, IR Director, Luye Pharma Group, YANG Liyuan, Director of Business Development & Commercial Strategy of Zai Lab and other speakers from listed companies introduced their global development strategies, pharmaceutical innovation R&D and market expectation and core products.

Plenary Meeting of Listed Company Roadshow

Plenary Meeting of Listed Company Roadshow

Listed Company Roadshows were arranged in CBIIC for three times, aiming to deepen participants’ understanding of commercial strategies, innovations and pipelines of the listed pharmaceutical enterprises including Luye Pharma Group, Betta Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., BeiGene and ZAI Lab etc. The roadshow reflected the trend of pharmaceutical innovation R&D in China from different aspects, and the social capital’s promotion and contribution to pharmaceutical industry.

2018 marks the beginning of fully implementing the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the significant year of conducting the 13th five-year plan. Therefore, we should strongly push forward pharmaceutical innovation R&D and international communication between domestic and foreign pharmaceutical industry to fulfill the structural adjustment and upgrade of pharmaceutical industry to meet people’s increasing needs for health.

Interactions and communications between roadshow speakers and investors